Megillat Ruth

Ruth 1,6: And she (Na'omi) rose up -- she and her daughters-in-law, and turneth back from the fields of Mo'ab, for she had Heard in the fields of Mo'ab that YHWH had visited His people -- in giving them bread.

This is a prophetic verse: -- it is the beginning of Zionism and the beginning of the end times for both Jews and Gentiles. The verse marks the transition from time of grace -- to the redemption into the Messianic Kingdom of Yisra'el.

The countdown has started, and Yeshua's coming could happen at any time. We should therefore be prepared to go forward and back home - in the ruach with Na'omi.

Na'omi means; 'pleasant; agreeable; my sweet'. But later, she called herself mara, or "bitter": Do not call me Na'omi call me mara. And this referring to the death (ten years later) of her husband Elimelech and her two sons; Machlon and Kilyon ? (Ruth 1,20-21).

Ruth means; friend. And she was the great-grandmother of King David (who was born and died on Shavuot). The story takes place in the few weeks around the barley and wheat harvests.

- Efraitt's means; fertility.
- Orpah; returned to her people and to her pagan "g-ds".
- Elimelech means; Elohiym is King.
- Machlon means; weak, frail and sickly.
- Kilyon means; "corruptive" and withered.
- Bethlehem means; House of Bread.
- Kana'an means; Praise.

When Ruth was out on the fields and gathered corn for herself and Naomi, she was invited to eat with Boaz.

Ruth 2,14 (b): And at meal-time Boaz said unto her, Come hither, and eat of the bread -- and dip thy morsel in the vinegar.

1. 'Come hither' - referring to the Messiah as King. 
2. 'Eat of the bread' - means the 'King's Bread'.
3. 'Dip thy morsel in the vinegar' - refers to Yeshua's sufferings, such as it is written:
YeshaYah 53,5: But He (Y'shua HaMashiach) was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our crookednesses. The chastisement for our peace was Upon Him -- and by His stripes (chaburah) we are healed.

It says further in the same verse:
14: And she sat beside the reapers, and they reached her parched grain, and she did eat, and was sufficed, and left thereof.

Just as Moses appeared himself for the Yisra'elites and then withdrew - so revealed Yeshua Himself to the Jews and then retired - for a time in 2000 years.

Yeshua our Redeemer
In Hebrew is the word Redeemer; Goel. And since Ruth and Boaz received the son Obed - who was the father of Yishai (Isai); father of David - they were ancestor to Yeshua the Messiah - the 'root of Yishai' (Jesse).

YeshaYah 11,1: But a branch will emerge from the trunk of Yishai (Jesse), a shoot will grow from his roots.

YeshaYah 11,10: On that day the root of Yishai, which stands as a banner for the peoples - the Goyim (Gentiles) will seek Him out, and the place where He rests will be glorious.

Zecheriah 6,12: And tell him, 'YHWH Tzva'ot says: There is coming a Man (Yeshua) whose name is Tzemach (the sprout). He will sprout up from His place and rebuild the Temple of Yahweh'.

The Contract
YirmeYah 32,11: So I took the deed of the purchase, both that which 'was sealed' -- according to the mitzwah and custom, and that which 'was open'.

There were two contracts letter - that should be written in connection with a property.
The open letter should be available for all -- and the sealed letter -- should be hidden in a secret place.
These two letters pointing to Yeshua's Salvation both for Jews and Gentiles.

For those who are born again by The Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh; Set-Apart Spirit), is Yeshua's atonement as an open letter. And the hidden letter points to the Jews' Salvation in end of time.

Manna from Shomayim
Yeshua, was born in Bethlehem and He is our Manna from heaven; Bread of Life.

Luke 4,4: And Yeshua answered him, saying; It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word of YHWH.

TehillimPsalm 110,7: From a brook in the way he drinketh -- therefore he doth lift up the head !

Elimelech and famine in Bethlehem in Judah, is a picture on Yisra'el that despite all the good prospects - fell from the living Elohiym - and experiencing famine and disaster.

Let us not be like those who walk as the enemies of Yeshua, but let us be as Na'omi; break up and return to our Father's house; YHWH.

Yechezkel 33,4: Then whosoever heareth the sound of the Shofar -- and taketh not warning; if the sword (cherev) come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul (nefesh).

1 Corinthians 6,19: Have ye not known that your body is the Temple of the Ruach HaKodesh which is in you, which ye have from YHWH, and ye are not your own ?

James 4,6: But he giveth more favour. Wherefore he saith, YHWH resisteth the proud, but giveth favour (mercy) unto the humble.

Yehoshua 24,15 b: Choose for yourselves this day whom you are going to serve...But I am my house, we serve YHWH.

And Joshua means; Yah is Salvation -- and YHWH is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him (Yeshua).

See link: end of time 

Shalom in Yeshua's name, Shalom.

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