A Hidden Torah Secret

1. Bereshith: In the Beginning - Gen 1,1-6:8.
2. Noach: Noa - Gen 6,9-11:32.
3. Lekh Lekha: Go forth yourself - Gen 12,1-17:27.
4. Vayera: And He appeared - Gen 18,1-22:24.
5. Chayei Sarah: Life of Sarah - Gen 23,1-25:28.
6. Toldot: Generations - Gen 25,9-28:9.
7. Vayetzei: And he went out - Gen 28,10-32:2.
8. Vayishlach: And he sent - Gen 32,3-36:42.
9. Vayeshev: And he settled - Gen 37,1-40:23.
10. Miketz: At the end of - Gen 41,1-44:17.
11. Vayigash: And he drew near - Gen 44,18-47:27.
12. Vayechi: And he lived - Gen 47,28-50:26.

Torah codes in Genesis
Kes; Throne.
Alef/Tav (Yeshua).
SEH; Lamb (Yeshua).
Melech; King (Yeshua).
Ohr; Light (Yeshua).
Life (chai).
(40,3-4): 'Song of Moshe (the) servant (eved) of YHWH and the song of the Lamb (SEH; Yeshua)'.
(Rev 15,3). David. Amos - Hosea - Yoel. Sefer; Book.
'Chai Ani Olam Vaed; I (Yeshua) am alive forevermore' (Rev 1).

13. Shemoth: Names - Ex 1,1-6:1.
14. Va'era: And I appeared - Ex 6,2-9:35.
15. 'Bo: Come (Enter) - Ex 10,1-13:16.
16. Beshalach: When he let go - Ex 13,17-17:16.
17. Yitro: Jethro - Ex 18,1-20:26.
18. Mishpatim: Judgements - Ex 21,1-24:18.
19. Terumah: Contribution - Ex 25,1-27:19.
20. Tetzaveh: You shall command - Ex 27,20-30:10.
21. Ki Tisa: When you take - Ex 30,11-34:35.
22. Vayakhel: And he assembled - Ex 35,1-38:20.
23. Pekudei: Accountings of - Ex 38,21-40:38.

Torah codes in Exodus
Revelat (Revelation).

24. Leviticus: And He Called ! - Lev 1,1-6:7.
25. Tsav: Command ! - Lev 6,8-8:36.
26. Shmini: Eighth - Lev 9,1-11:47.
27. Tazria: She conceives - Lev 12,6-13:59.
28. Metzora: Leper - Lev 14,1-15:33.
29. Acharei Mot: After the death - Lev 16,1-18:20.
30. Kedoshim: Holy ones - Lev 19,1-20:27.
31. Emor: Say ! - Lev 21,1-24:23.
32. Behar: One the mountain - Lev 25,1-26:2.
33. Bechukotai: In My statutes - Lev 26,3-27:34.

Torah codes in Leviticus
Kes; Throne.
Alef/Tav - Yeshua.
Yad; Hand - Yeshua.
SEH; Lamb - Yeshua.
Sheva; Seven - Yeshua.
B'rit; Covenant.

34. Bamidbar: In the wilderness/desert - Numbers 1,1-4:20.
35. Naso: Lift up! - Numbers 4,21-7:89.
36. Beha'alotekha: When you set up - Numbers 8,1-12:16.
37. Shelach Lekha: Send for yourself ! - Numbers 13,1-15:41.
38. Korach: Korah - Numbers 16,1-18:32.
39. Chukat: Decree of - Numbers  19,1-22:1.
40. Balak: Balak - Numbers 22,2-25:9.
41. Pinchas: Phinehas - Numbers 25,10-29:40.
42. Mattot: Tribes - Numbers 30,1-32:42.
43. Masei: Journeys of - Numbers 33,1-36:13.

Torah codes in Numbers
B'rith; Covenant.
Job - Yonah - Ruth - Amos - Yoel - Mika - Ezra - Ester (Hadassah).
Matt - Mark - Luke - John.
Acts - Rom - Cor - Galat - Ephe - Thess - Phili - Colo - Timot - Titus - Jame - Peter.
Jud - Rev/Revel/Revelat. [Thess (Thessalonians) - is found 10 times in Numbers. Saul; index 217 and ELS 93. Paul - Sod (secret)].

44. Devarim: Words - Deut 1,1-3:22.
45. Vaetchanan: And I pleaded - Deut 3,23-7:1.
46. Eikev: Consequently - Deut 7,12-11:25.
47. Re'eh: See ! - Deut 11,26-16:17.
48. Shoftim: Judges - Deut 16,18-21:9.
49. Ki Teitzei: When you go out - Deut 21,10-25:19.
50. Ki Tavo: When you go in - Deut 26,1-29:9.
51. Nitzavim: You are standing - Deut 29,10-30:20.
52. Vayeilech: And he went - Deut 31,1-30.
53. Ha'azinu: Give ear ! - Deut 32,1-52.
54. Vzot Haberakhah: And this blessing - Deut 33,1-34:12.

Torah codes in Deuteronomy
Yeshua is found 9 times in Deut.

The Torah Always points to Yeshua, and seven times mark the work of YHWH Elohiym. And the levitical priests were told to sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice seven times. 

Revelation 5,6: And I looked and saw in the midst of the KES; Throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders a SEH; Lamb standing, as having been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Ruahoth of Elohiym sent out into all the earth.

And the victim is named: hebrew, Olah; Ascending. And the pure sacrificial animals -- one pointing to the Sacrifice on Calvary -- the blameless, spotless and precious Blood of the Lamb; Yeshua the Messiah, which in Truth is the foundation for a new covenant.

"And Elohiym Called (Vayikra)" !
There is the "Call"...and the response. It is a call for interaction; listening and act -- of obedient.

MattitYahu 11,28-30: Come unto Me (Yeshua), all ye who are burden-weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Shabbos menuchah).

YirmeYah 31,25: For I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes.

The Secret meaning of the first vers in Bereshith (hidden code).

Will be updated; completed
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