Ha Mikdash

Ha Mikdash Temple:
Is an image of  Kehillah (ecclesia; the called out ones) - Messiah's body -- the fulness of Yeshua, that filled All in all (Eph 1,22,23). The Assembly is a Spiritual house built of living stones (1 Peter 2,5, Eph 2,20-22).

The Temple face east to the sun rising. YHWH required this for the Tabernacle too. Colour of the Temple was blue, purple, crimson (fruitfulness in Yeshua).

Speaks of suffering Mashiach, and Silver is the metal associated with Redemption and riches of YHWH's grace.

Great stones -- costly stones -- hewed stones to lay the foundation of the house in Ephesian 2,20 - tells us of ecclesia - built upon the foundation of the Tamidim and Prophets and Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Himself is the Chief Cornerstone.

For the people. A place of fellowship, (chavurah); gathering of believers, and has 7 steps, measured 500 cubit square. Its principal entrance, the "ascent into the House of the Master" - was through a porch with great copper plated doors which shone brightly in the sun.

2 Chronicles 20,30 for Kohenim only. Has 8 steps led up to the court which was 200 cubit - no furniture.
(888 - Ruach HaKodesh; The sum of Tree of Life)

1 Kings 8,64; 2 Chronicle 7,7 measured 100 cubits square, no door. This took away all hindrance of access to the Great Altar which stood in the centre of court. The position of the Altar is very significant to us. If diagonals were drawn from the opposite corners of all 3 court they would intersect at the centre of the altar.

Speaks of fruitfulness - the fruit of Ruach HaKodesh (set-apart Spirit) and Shalom.

Speaks of Beauty and Fragrance (among torns).

Speak of adornment (Titus 2,10) - Scripture of Elohim and Yeshua in all things.

Speaks of strength (in YHWH).

He shall establish (pillar) right side.

In Him is strength (pillar) and Boaz is an image on Yeshua. Left side the both pillars also use as postal service where they put up message to deliever to communities.

The Kohenim passed through the doors made of firs, the timber of Joy (Yeshua), into the Holy place. The floor also was of Fir, and speaking of Elohim's house being a joyful place for our feet. The posts of the door were of Olive; the wood of Beauty. (Hosea 14,6)

Along both the north and south sides of the Mikdash - were rooms to house the Levites, who worked in the Mikdash. The ground level rooms were used as storerooms and treasuries.

The chambers were 3 stories high, with 15 rooms on each level, giving a total of 90 rooms.

The chambers became larger as one ascended the levels by a winding staircase, being 5 cubits square, then 6 cubits and the top level 7 cubits.

YHWH's children can "go up" in the knowledge and enjoyment in Yeshua, (Col 1,10).

The great stones were cut and prepared in the quarry deep beneath the city. Prepared in a quietness which was unique to such a task and speaking of the quiet work of Elohim and His Ruach HaKodesh, in our hearts.

The stones were all cut to the exact size and fitted exactly into place, as each believer in the Kehillah. Inside, the stones were plastered with silver (1 Chronicles 29,3-5). The quantity of silver needed was 356 tons. This speaks of our great Redemption.

The SILVER was overlaid with beautiful cedar wood (1 Kings 6,15). This speaks to us of the excellence of the Mashiach, for 'His countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars' (Songs 5,15). The cedar was carved to enhance this beauty. Our Yeshua Ha'Mashiach is the 'Master of glory' and His beauty should be reflected in ecclesia - in all our ways.

The cedar was then overlaid with gold (1 Kings 6,22). In the Holiest alone, 30 tons of gold was used. The nails were also of gold and the sum of them as 21/2 tons. The gold came from "Parvaim (2 Chron 3,6) and was renowned for its excellence.

Finally, the gold was garnished (covered) with precious stones for beauty (2 Chron 3,6), and this speaks of Yeshua the Messiah - chosen of Elohim. What a transformation for the stones once obscure in the dark quarry! We can say with the Psalmist: Let the beauty of YHWH our Elohim be upon us (Tehillim 90,17).
Let us value the beauty of His Holiness (Tehillim 29,2)

Speaks to us of YHWH's Shekinah.

BRAZEN ALTAR 2 Chron 4,1
Is a symbol of the execution stake of Mashiach, which is central to all of Elohim's plans and purposes.

The first sight through the open way into the inner court - was the great altar of brass. Its length and breadth were 20 cubits and height 10 cubits.

These are the same dimensions as the Holiest, teaching us that the Man of Calvary is now the Man in the Shekinah. Steps led up in every side of the altar - in Ezekiel's Mikdash.

At the dedication of the HaMikdash, Shlomo offered 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep (1 Kings 8,63). The altar was " too little to receive them" - this emphasises the greatness of the Master's sacrifice.

THE BRAZEN SEA (Molten sea) 2 Chron 4,2-6;10.
Made of copper it was very large -5 cubits high, 10 cubits diameter and 30 cubits in cirumference. It ws 9 inches thick, weighed 33 tons and held 22,500 gallons of water when full and 15,000 gallons when in use.

its brim ws curved out like a lotus flower and an it was carved with knops an flowers . The purpose of this vessel was to enable the Kohenim to wash themselves clean of all defilement before they entered into the Holy Place.

Its great capacity teaches the "unlimited supply" of cleansing for Elohim's people today in the "washing in the water by His Word; Yeshua, (Eph 5,26,27).

The Sea stood on 12 oxen which were divided into sets of three, and placed to face; north, south, east and west and correspond to the 12 Tribes of Yisra'el.

They were hollow and the water of the Sea ran through their mouths to allow for priestly washing. This reminds us of Yochanan 7,38, 39, where Yeshua, said on the great day of the feast; 'he that believeth in Me -- as the Scripture hath said -- out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living water'. (Tehillim 144,14).
So the Sea brings thoughts of greatness, fulness and strength.

There were 10 circular Lavers of brass, 5 on either side of the Court, engraved with lions, oxen and cherubim. Each helod 300 gallons of water and their purpose was to wash the pieces of the burnt offering sacrifices (in prarticular the inwards and the legs).

This cleansing spoke of the sessential purity of Yeshua HaMashiach, as the Sacrifice. In Hebrews 9,14 we read: He offered Himself with spot to Elohim.

The goldens walls garnished with precious stones - must have shone in dazzling magnificence in the light of the 10 Menorah. 5 on each side of the Holy Place. Each had 7 lamps giving a total of 70 shining lights. (see 2 Chronicles 4,21; 1 Kings 7,49).

The Menorah are symbolic of the 'Truth; Yeshua' (Eph 4,21). YHWH, embodied all the fulness and expression of truth. There were also Menorah's of Silver (1 Chron 28,15) but these were probably used in the side chambers by the Levites.

Symbolised the 'Spirit of Truth' - Ruach HaKodesh, whose ministry is to guide into all truth.

There were 10 of these also, 5 on each side. Made wholly of pure gold they emphasise the deity and glory of the One with whom we have fellowship. There is no mention of the size of these tables, thereby indicating there is no limit to our fellowship. The Shewbread was eaten in the Mikdash weekly, and has the thought of our privilege in enjoying spiritual food in YHWH's presence. The believer's fellowship is very sweet and not to be confused with friendship. It is 'with the Ha AV and the Son (Ben Elohim) and with one another'.

Elements of Mitzvot, Lavers, Menorah and tables - 10 denotes the Believer's responsibility before Elohim and men.

This was the golden altar which stood before the Parokhet (Made of cedar wood and gold and symbolised the excellence and glory of the Ascended Mashiach. The Kohen HaGadol burnt incense upon it - and morning and evening speaks of Yeshua, as our Kohen Gadol and His Ministry of intercession.

Made of Olive wood (beauty) and overlaid with gold (Shekinah). They were 10 cubits high and the spread of their wings covered the width of the Sanctuary above ha Aron and their faces turned inwards gazing upon the Shekinah glory. When Adam and Eve were ban from the Garden of Eden, Cherubim were sent to guard 'The way of the Tree of Life.

This rested upon ha Aron and was of pure gold (Shemot 25,17). The extraordinary thing about the Mercy Seat was its name - because it was really a lid. The absence of a seat, among both the Mishkan and HaMikdash furniture is because there was no need of one. The Kohenim work was never finished. They went on ministering until he was relieved. We see Yeshua, alone could say: it is finished.

Tabernacle - Yeshua HaMashiach.

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