The 12 tribes of Yashur’al are derived from the 12 sons of Yacov. Chronological birth and meaning of their names (Genesis 29,31-30,24 and 35,16-18).
Ra’uban – see a Son, who sees the Son, or behold the Son (Yeshua).
Shamaw’un – hearing, He has heard.
Luy – attached, or joined unto me.
Yahudah – praisers of YAH.
Dan – judge, he that judges, or YAH has judged.
Naphataly – my wrestling, or I have wrestled and prevailed.
Gad – a band, a troop.
Ashur – happy, or happiness.
Yashashakur – give me my hire, or reward.
Zabulun – lofty dwelling, or esteemed dwelling place (in Yeshua).
Yahusaph – increaser, or He will add.
Banyamin – Son of the Right Hand (Yeshua).
The names of the 12 tribes in Revelation 7,4-8, is given in a different order - than in B’urashit. The key to this change lies in the meanings of the names as well as their order.
The tribe of Yahudah – Praisers of YAH.
The tribe of Ra’uban – See, Behold the Son (perceive -- Yeshua).
The tribe of Gad – A band (of followers).
The tribe of Ashur – Happy, happiness (Blessed, prosper, straight, honest, go, guide, lead, and relieve).
The tribe of Naphataly – We have wrestled and prevailed (My strength test or won in battle).
The tribe of Manashah – YAH forgets.
The tribe of Shamaw’un – He has heard.
The tribe of Luy – Be joined (unto Yeshua).
The tribe of Yashashakur – My reward (is with Him; Yeshua).
The tribe of Zabulun – Esteemed Dwelling Place (in Yeshua).
The tribe of Yahusaph – Increaser (YAH will add).
The tribe of Banyamin – The Son of My Right Hand; Yeshua (but Rachel call him; son of my sorrow).
1. Judah:
(Bereshis: Genesis 49,9-12 -- Devarim: Deuteronomy 33,7)
2. Gad:
(Genesis 49,19 -- Deuteronomy 33,20-21)
3. Zebulon:
(Genesis 49,13 -- Deuteronomy 33,18)
4. Ephraim: To be doubly fruitful or productive. Jacob crossed his hands and laid his right hand upon Ephraim imparting the double portion blessing.
(Genesis 41,52 -- 48,14)
5. Simeon:
(Genesis 49,5-7)
6. Naphtali:
(Genesis 49,21 -- Deuteronomy 33,23)
7. Issachar:
(Genesis 49,14-15 -- Deuteronomy 33,18-19)
8. Manasseh.
9. Reuben.
10. Dan:
(Genesis 49,16-18 -- Deuteronomy 33,22)
11. Asher:
(Genesis 49,29 -- Deuteronomy 33,24-26)
12. Benoni:
(Genesis 35,17-19; 49,27 -- Deuteronomy 33,12)
Rachel means; soul (nefesh).
Number value for the 12 tribe:
Juda (value 30) - Gad (7) - Zebulon (95) - Ephraim (331) - Simeon (466) - Naphtali (570) - Issachar (830) - Manasseh (395) - Reuben (259) - Dan (54) - Asher (501) - Benjamin (162). Note that Levi - as a priest tribe is exluded from being numbered ?
The Sum of all 12 names is 3700. Reading right to left from the top -- the sum of the name is 1850 - exactly one-half of 3700.
Torah codes:
(Eliyahu Rips) Thus, Midrash Tadshe gives a list of birth dates of the sons of Yaakov:
Reuven was born on 14th Kislev;
Shimon was born on 21st Teveth;
Levi was born on 16th Nisan;
Yehuda was born on 15th Sivan;
Dan was born on 9th Elul;
Naftali was born on 5th Tishri;
Gad was born on 10th Cheshvan;
Asher was born on 20th Shvat;
Yissachar was born on 10th Av;
Zevulun was born on 7th Tishri;
Yosef was born on 1st Tammuz;
Binyamin was born on 11th Cheshvan.
Bless YHWH, oh my soul..
Praisers of YHWH, behold the Son! A band (of followers) is happy. We have wrestled and prevailed.
YHWH forgets (our sins). He has heard (us). (Let us) be joined (unto Yeshua) for our reward (is with Him) in a esteemed dwelling place. And YHWH will increase the Son of the Right Hand (Yeshua - Who is our Saviour and Sovereign).
Hallelu-Yah !
The 12 Gems of the Choshen:
1. Odem: A red gem maybe, believed to be Sard.
2. Pit’dah: A flashing stone, believed to be a Topaz.
3. Bareket: A shimmering gem believed to be an Emerald .
4. Nofekh: According to Babylonian translation is believed to be Turquoise. The Jerusalem translation believes it a red stone the color of burning coal.
5. Sapir: Another red stone possible a Sapphire.
6. Yahalom Diamond: Some theories believe it is a diamond, others believe it was an Onyx.
7. Leshem: A pale or natural colored stone such as an opal.
8. Sebo: Believed to be referring to agate.
9. Ahlamah: Believed to be referring to Amethyst.
10. Tarshish: This is believed to be referring to a yellowish/goldish stone.
11. Shoham: A leek-green or sea green stone possibly a green onyx
12. Yashfeh: Believed to be Jasper:
10 And they set in it four rows of stones; a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle made the first row;
11 The second row an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond;
12 The third row a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst;
13 And the fourth row a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper; they were enclosed in settings of gold filigree.
14 There were twelve stones with their names according to those of the sons of Israel, engraved like a signet, each with its name, according to the twelve tribes.
[Exo 39:10-14]
To be continued..
11 The second row an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond;
12 The third row a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst;
13 And the fourth row a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper; they were enclosed in settings of gold filigree.
14 There were twelve stones with their names according to those of the sons of Israel, engraved like a signet, each with its name, according to the twelve tribes.
[Exo 39:10-14]