Behind the Name

Adam.............Man appointed,
Enosh.............a mortal man of
Kenan.............sorrow is born !
Mahalalel........The Glory of Elohiym
Jared..............shall come down
Enoch.............instruct​ing that
Methuselah......His death (Y'shua) shall bring
Lamech...........those in despair
Noah..............comfort and rest !

Man (has) appointed mortal sorrow, (but) the Blessed Elohiym shall come down teaching, (and) His (Yeshua's) death - shall bring the despairing rest (Salvation).

Shem..............The fame of
Arphaxad.........Babylon's​ fortress, but I will make babylon fade away ! sorrow
Shelah.............extend like a plant
Eber................beyond​ the place of
Peleg...............divisi​on (at the Tower of babel)
Reu.................A friend
Serug..............(also) branches out,
Terah..............with fury !

Abraham/Abram...A glorious father - father of a multitude,
Jacob/ he outwits (his enemy) - A mighty Prince sees Elohim
Levi.................(then​) joins himself to assembly
Amram............a glorious people
Moses..............(whom) He (Yeshua) rescued,
Gershom..........stranger (s) in a strange land,
Shebuel............captive​s delivered by Elohiym ! who praise YHWH (the Adonay)
Perez................break​s open a way (into) area surrounded by a wall
Ram.................of great height.
Amminadab......O' my people who belong to the Prince (Yeshua),
Nahshon...........a Prophet
Boaz.................with Strength,
Obed................Who serves (YHWH), here ! well-loved,
Rehoboam........and Who sets the people free.

Abijah..............My Father is YHWH,
Asa..................the healer of
Jehoshaphat......Him whom YHWH judged
Jehoram...........and whom YHWH raised up !
Ahaziah............YHWH took hold (of me)
Joash...............and YHWH is Strong !
Amaziah...........Mighty is YHWH !
Uzziah..............My Strength is in YHWH !
Jotham.............YHWH is Perfect !
Ahaz................I took hold of
Hezekiah...........the strength of YHWH.
Manasseh..........It made (me) forget (my misery).

Amon...............Truly (I am) the Master builder
Josiah...............Whom YHWH healed,
Jehoiakim/Eliakim.....Whom​ YHWH Elohim raised up,
Jeconiah............Whom YHWH appointed,
Jehoiachim........and will uphold !
Shealtiel............I have asked Elohim about
Pedaiah.............the ransomed of the Adonay,
Zerubbabel........the exiles who are in babylon.

Abiud................My Father is Glorious !
Eliakim..............My Elohim will raise up
Azor.................a helper,
Zadok...............the just (one)
Akim................will YHWH raise up !
Eliud.................My Elohim is my praise !
Eleazar..............Elohi​m will help !
Matthan.............May the gift of
Joseph..............increa​se (in greatness) !
Emmanuel.........For Elohiym is with us, Yeshua the Messiah - Savior of
Ecclesia (Kehillah)..those​ called out of (babylon).

TANAK (First covenant)
Bereshith: In the Beginning.
Shemoth: Names.
Vayikra: And He Called.
Bemidbar: In the wilderness.
Debarim: Words.

NEBI'IM (Prophets)
Yahoshua: Yah is Salvation.
Shophetim: Judges.
Shemu'el: Heard of El.
Melakim: Sovereigns.
YeshaYah: Salvation of Yah (Yeshua).
YirmeYah: Exultation of Yah.
Yehezqel: Strength of El.
Dani'el: Judgment of El.
Hoshea: Salvation (Yeshua).
Yo'el: Yah is El.
Amos: Burden.
ObadYah: Servant of Yah.
Yonah: Dove (Picture on Ruach HaKodesh).
Mikah: Who is like Yah ?
Nahum: Comfort.
Habaqquq: Embrace.
TsephanYah: Treasured of Yah.
Haggai: Festive.
ZekarYah: Remembered of Yah.
Mal'aki: My Messenger.

KETHUBIM (Writings)
Tehillim: Psamls.
Mishley: Proverbs.
Iyob: Hated.
Shir Ha'Shirim: Song of Songs.
Ruth: Friend.
Eykah: How.
Qoheleth: Convener.
Hadassah: Myrtle Tree (Esther).
Ezra: Help.
NehemYah: Consolation of Yah.
Dibrey Ha'Yamim: Annals of Time.

B'RIT HADASHAH (Renewed Covenant)
MattithYah: Gift of Yah (Yeshua).
Marqos: Defence.
Kuqas: Illuminating.
Yohanan: Yah hs Favoured.
Ma'aseh: Actions.

Galatiym: Of the Gauls.
Tas'loniqim: Victory of Falsity.
Qorin'tiyim: Satiated.
Romiyim: Strength.
Pileymon: One who kisses.
Qolasim: Colossal.
Eph'siyim: Permitted.
Pilippiyim: Lover of horses.
Timotiyos: Honouring Elohiym.
Titos: nurse.

Ibrim: Those from Beyond (Hebrews).
Ya'aqob: Supplanter.
Kepha: Rock (YESHUA).
Yohanan 1-3: Yah has Favoured.
YAHudah: Yah is Praised.
Hazon: Vision (Revelation).

John 7,37-38: If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me (Yeshua) -- out of his heart (lev) will flow rivers of living water.

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